Williamsburg Ghost Tour Blog

View Blog Post - Suicide at Tucker Hall
Book on Floor

Suicide at Tucker Hall

St. George Tucker Hall: A History St. George Tucker Hall was William and Mary’s first free-standing library that opened on May 14, 1909. Over the years, the library underwent renovations, ...

View Blog Post - William and Mary Hauntings
Southern Ghost

William and Mary Hauntings

1. Sunken Garden Welcome to the Sunken Garden, built in the mid-­‐1930s by President FDR’s Civilian Conservation Corps and modeled after the Chelsea hospital gardens in England. The Sunk ...

View Blog Post - Brafferton House
Ghost child on stairs

Brafferton House

Welcome to the College of William and Mary! William and Mary was founded by royal charter in 1693, making it the second oldest college in the US after Harvard, pre-­dating Williamsburg as the capital ...

View Blog Post - Governor's Palace
Civil War Soldier

Governor's Palace

The Governor’s Palace, built in the late 1930s. The original building was destroyed by fire in 1781 while it was used as a hospital for American soldiers wounded at the Battle of Yorktown. Befo ...

View Blog Post - Bruton Parish Church

Bruton Parish Church

The Bruton Parish Church is the oldest building in Colonial Williamsburg; construction on the building was completed in 1683. It served as a hospital during the Civil War, and later as a mass bur ...

View Blog Post - Merchants Square
Image of a square with a monument statue in the middle

Merchants Square

This story takes place shortly after the Civil War in the late 1860s near South Henry Street in Colonial Williamsburg's Merchants Square. Along Henry Street was a small white house that belo ...

View Blog Post - Cancellation and Refund Policy
A guide holding a lantern striking a pose

Cancellation and Refund Policy

We do not grant refunds, but we reserve the right to let customers reschedule their tours for better weather or to attend a tour on the next day if they are late, but this is not guaranteed. It is imp ...

View Blog Post - Matthew Whaley Elementary School
Ghostly Boy

Matthew Whaley Elementary School

We’ve all hated school at one point or another in our life, but have you ever been terrified of the school you were restrained in? Of course massive exams and strict teachers rattle our bones every ...

View Blog Post - Fort Magruder
Civil War Soldiers

Fort Magruder

Williamsburg is famous for history, particularly the Unites States’ beginnings. It is in the same James County as Jamestown (the first permanent English settlement on the East Coast—the first Span ...

View Blog Post - Peyton Randolph House
Ghostly figures in room

Peyton Randolph House

Over the last few years, the entertainment industry has really gone horror happy. These days, zombies, circus freaks, and vampires hog the camera more than television stars, and plenty of fright flick ...