Hauntings Reported On Tours

This page list a series of Firsthand accounts of Hauntings From Guests that Occurred on our Williamsburg Ghost Tour in Williamsburg, VA. Some have captured strange things on camera, but others have more than photos to report!

Peyton Randolf House man's face

Photographed on Ghost Tour in Williamsburg VA Peyton Randolf House Mans Face

“My friend shined his flashlight into the window on the first floor on the left side and we were looking around. I guess I was the only one who saw it, but there was a small ball like the size of two fists and it started at the top left corner of the door and went to the bottom of the upper flight of stairs and then to the ceiling and disappeared.” -Ryan, January 31, 2015, at the Peyton Randolph House

Bruton Parish haunting

Photographed on Bruton Parish Haunting Ghost Tour in Williamsburg VA

“We were all at the Bruton Parish Church on the ghost tour in Williamsburg VA. It was late, closed, and the lights were off. We were all taking a photo of the curtain moving violently across the window. All of a sudden, all of our phones flickered and froze. Here’s a pic of three of our phones that froze all at once!” – Group, May 2014

Peyton Randolf House haunting

Peyton Randolf House Haunting Ghost Tour in Williamsburg VA

“When we went over to the Peyton house I broke away from the group and walked a third of the way up the walkway to take a couple of pictures. I stopped short because I got a strong feeling like I was being watched. With that said I snapped couple of pics and walked back to the group quickly. Attached is what my camera picked up. Please pay special attention to the top windows. The third one in on the right hand side, center very bottom pane. If you zoom in it clearly looks like a face.” – Bryan T, Oct 2014, on a Ghost Tour in Williamsburg VA

Haunting Secretary Office

Haunting Secretary Office Photographed on Ghost Tour in Williamsburg VA

On the last Ultimate Ghost Tour in Williamsburg VA of 2014, a group saw a fiery or glowing figure move across the Secretary’s Office

Peyton Randolf House man's face

Peyton Randolf House Mans Face on ghost tour in Williamsburg VA

“On our ghost tour in Williamsburg VA, we took a photo and found a man’s face in the window at the Randolph House!” – Ms. Ellis, January 2015

Peyton Randolf House knock

Peyton Randolf House Knock story from ghost tour in Williamsburg VA

“After the ghost tour in Williamsburg VA, we went back to this (Peyton Randolph House) house. We were standing out front (not too close) and we heard a knock from inside the house, clear as day. Two of us heard the knock. It was a single knock, then stopped. Then another single knock. Then stopped. We had someone else with us get out to prove we are not crazy. That time the knock was (still gentle) about 4 or 5 knocks. It was almost a tap-like knock. We left. Then returned to the house approximately 2 hours later. I tried to record with flash from my phone but could barely see anything at all but you can hear the knocks if you listen closely. I am going to try and upload the recording. Assuming I can add the video/recording, listen carefully. I am not crazy!” –Mr. and Mrs. Pantan

Wythe House glow in window

PHOTOGRAPHED! Wythe House Glow in Window during ghost tour in Williamsburg VA

“My husband & I went on this ghost tour in Williamsburg VA the Saturday before Halloween 2014. Notice the fire in the window lower left of house. Also Orbs galore! This was the second photo I took immediately followed by the first.” – JoAnn, October 2014

Peyton Randolf House lights

Peyton Randolf House Lights photographed at Williamsburg ghost tour in Williamsburg VA

Lights see emanating from inside the Peyton Randolph House during a ghost tour in Williamsburg VA

Path of death

Path of Death on Williamsburg Ghost Tour in Williamsburg VA

A guest was walking out of the path of death on a ghost tour in Williamsburg VA in August 2014, as the tour was exiting. She knew she was not the last person out of the dark pathway, because felt a hand touch her shoulder. Naturally, she thought it was one of her friends walking behind her trying to scare her, so she laughed. As she exited the path and turned right to join the others, she looked ahead and saw her friends. She then looked back at the pathway, only to see that she was the last person out, and that no one had been behind her. She yelled and ran to her friends and the group to tell us what just happened. -Ghost Tour Guide

Steam Tunnel

Steam Tunnel Whispers Heard on Ghost Tour in Williamsburg VA

A very skeptical customer was walking over the steam tunnel grate after the ghost story on her ghost tour in Williamsburg VA. She heard a sinister laughter coming from underneath her as she walked over the grate. She then asked if we heard “that”. We responded no, and she began to tear up and tell us what had just happened.-Ghost Tour Guide

Steam Tunnel

Steam Tunnel Footsteps Williamsburg Ghost Tour in Williamsburg VA

As I was telling a ghost story about the steam tunnels, during a ghost tour in Williamsburg VA , where some heinous crimes had taken place, I took out my flashlight to show the group the bottom of the steam tunnel underneath the grate. As I explained that the heavy rain made it so that we could not see the cobblestone walkway, we were all watching down below. Then, suddenly, we all saw what appeared to be three distinct footsteps, one after another trotting through the water. Nothing was moving on top of the water, and no one was dropping anything on the water from below. The three splashes in the shapes of feet or boots were clear and distinct. We all froze. The people on my tour, and I, froze and became quiet. They looked at me as if I staged it, or as if the tour had stages that very moment. I looked at them petrified, and asked if they just saw that. At that moment, when they saw my face, we all knew we had seem something unexplainable and paranormal. We bonded over the experience, and it gave us something new to talk about on future tours. – Ghost Tour Guide